Printing more than one page


Jun 13, 2004

I am trying to print on multiple pages but I can not seem to be able to get it right.
I have a while loop that is pulling info from a database (the results of an SQL search).
I know where the bottom of the page is so I added this:
(line > maxPage)
	line = 0;

However, I do not get a new page. It prints over the original.

If anyone has any ideas I would be very grateful.

Harold Clements

(Please note that I am using J# but I can translate answers in C# or VB.NET.)
The whole method

Optikal said:
What event do you have that code in? Will need to see more code...

Sorry, yes the whole method looks like this:

Thanks for you help, Harold.

private void printBOM(System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
             Brush b = new SolidBrush(Color.get_Black());
	Brush br = new SolidBrush(Color.get_LightGray());
	Font f = new Font("Courier New", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
	String sql = "SELECT ComponentPart, ComponentID, ComponentDescription, ManufactureShortForm, " + //0-3
		"ComponentShortForm, ManufacturePartNumber, ComponentQuantity, ComponentIdent, " + //4-7
		"tblKitParts.EngineeringChangeNoteID " + //8
	             "FROM tblKitParts, tblComponent, tblManufacture, tblComponentType " +
		"WHERE MotherLevel = " + partNo + " " +
		"AND ComponentID = ComponentPart " + 
		"AND ManufactureID = ManufactureCode " +
		"AND tblComponentType.ComponentTypeID = tblComponent.ComponentType ";

		int k = 0; //not used 
	             x = minX; //reset X position
		OleDbCommand oc = new OleDbCommand(sql, myConnection);

		OleDbDataReader dr = oc.ExecuteReader();

		while (dr.Read())
			k ++; 
			//Different colour for each line printed
			if (k % 2 == 0) {br = new SolidBrush(Color.get_LightGray());}
			else {br = new SolidBrush (Color.get_WhiteSmoke());}
			x = minX; 
			e.get_Graphics().FillRectangle(br, x, y, maxX, cr); //Print solid blocks
			e.get_Graphics().DrawString(System.Convert.ToString(dr.GetInt32(0)), f, b, x, y);
			x += 45;
			e.get_Graphics().DrawString(dr.GetString(4), f, b, x, y);
			x += 45;
			e.get_Graphics().DrawString(dr.GetString(2), f, b, x, y);
			x += 320;
			e.get_Graphics().DrawString(System.Convert.ToString(dr.GetInt32(6)), f, b, x, y);
			x += 45;
			e.get_Graphics().DrawString(dr.GetString(3), f, b, x, y);
			x += 45;
			if (dr.IsDBNull(5)) {e.get_Graphics().DrawString("", f, b, x, y);}
			else {e.get_Graphics().DrawString(dr.GetString(5), f, b, x, y);}
			x += 320;
			if (dr.IsDBNull(8)) {e.get_Graphics().DrawString("", f, b, x, y);}
			else e.get_Graphics().DrawString(getECNData(dr.GetInt32(8)), f, b, x, y);
			getAlternative(e, dr.GetInt32(0), partNo, br);
			x = minX; //Reset X Position
			e.get_Graphics().FillRectangle(br, x, y, maxX, cr); //Print blocks
			e.get_Graphics().DrawString("Locations:", f, b, x, y);
			x += 90;
			if (dr.IsDBNull(7)) {e.get_Graphics().DrawString("", f, b, x, y);}
			else {e.get_Graphics().DrawString(dr.GetString(7), new Font("Courier New", 9, FontStyle.Bold), b, x, y);}
			y += cr; //Next line
			if ((y+(cr*2)) >= maxY) 
				y = minY;
			else {e.set_HasMorePages(false);}
	catch (Exception error)
		MessageBox.Show (error.toString() + extraErrorInfo, "Exception Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
	catch (System.InvalidOperationException error)
		MessageBox.Show (error.toString() + extraErrorInfo, "InvalidOperationException Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
	catch (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException error)
		MessageBox.Show (error.toString() + extraErrorInfo, "OleDbException Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
	catch (System.NullReferenceException error)
		MessageBox.Show (error.toString() + extraErrorInfo, "NullReferenceException Error:", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
		x = minX; //Reset X.
		y += 8;   //Move page down.
		e.get_Graphics().DrawLine(new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.get_Blue(), 1), //Blue line
		             new System.Drawing.Point(x, y),
			new System.Drawing.Point(maxX, y));
		e.get_Graphics().DrawString("*** End of Listing ***", 
			new Font("Courier New", 9, FontStyle.Bold),
			new SolidBrush(Color.get_Black()), x, y+3);
		y = minY;
		x = minX;
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