Plugin based application with central saved settings


Apr 11, 2006

I'm writing an application which has script/plugin system.
I want to provide a central place where settings are stored/recalled,
dividing settings into private and public ones (per plugin).

So basically my question is:
Is there a reliable way to know from which dll the Property was called?
(Without relying on the plugin, giving its name as a parameter)

Simplified example:
Visual Basic:
Class cMain
	Sub new(Main as cMain)
		Dim P1 = new cPlugin(Me)
		Dim P2 = new cPlugin2(Me)
	End Sub

	Public Property Settings(Key as String) as Object
		'Get: Return GetSetting([Pluginname], Key)
		'Set: GetSetting([Pluginname], Key) = Value
	End Property
End Class

Class cPlugin
	Sub new(Main as cMain)
		Main.Settings("Key") = [SomeObj]
	End Sub
End Class

Class cPlugin2
	Sub new(Main as cMain)
		Main.Settings("Key") = [SomeObj]
	End Sub
End Class

I've read that stacktrace isn't really reliable, so is there any other way?
Maybe I missed something, but if you are doing "plug-ins" you are probably using reflection, thus you should be able to get the name of the assembly, no?
Why not have a base class that plugins can inherit that implements a settings system (the base class can pass itself to the host to be used as a key for a settings node), or just require that the plugin class pass itself to the host to be used as a key. Either way, the host can obtain the type of the object that has passed itself and store the settings by that type so that they will be persisted between instances.