Plugin-based app tutorial


Nov 3, 2002
Florida, USA
Plugin-based app with plugin GUI tutorial

First of all I want to thank divil for his wonderful tutorial on plugin-based apps.

I have put together a simple companion tutorial for making a plugin-based app that adds a GUI contained in the plugin to your host form. Please take a look and tell me what you think.

BTW... the code in the PluginServices Class file is still all divil's code. I saw no reason to change it since it did such a wonderful and simple job at enumeration of available plugins. Full credit is given to him for this in the Readme.

Attention to management: If you consider this worthy you can add it to the Code Library or Tutors Corner, whichever is appropriate.
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LOL... look at the readme in the zip file. The tutorial in in the comments. The program files are HEAVILY commented. I may make a .pdf later with the tutorial in that format... but for now the comments if taken in the order recommended should be MORE than sufficient.
You beat me to it! I was going to write another tutorial covering adding a GUI and inherited plugins :)
Well you are the one responsible for my understanding the subject and as I mentioned you are given full credit for this (and for the bit of code that i retained from your original project). Feel free to add what you want to and repost it. :)
sorry still don't know where the tutoiral is

Sorry, can you distribute the URL for the Plugin Tutorial?

I can't find any readme file in the zip, only your email address.
Actually, I'm working with some classmates on a photo enhancing system which will involve "plugin" for sure. I think your tutorial will be quite interesting to our project

The tutorial is the comments (it is VERY heavily commented code) in the source itself. If divil or whoever wants to update the zip in a day or so I can have a new zip to go in the code library that has a tutorial in HTML files. :D

BTW... the "readme" is the first text file you see as you enter the main directory. It give a list of what each directory is and which project to start with for the tutorial.
Updates of the zip file

Oh Thanks!

Please help me to update the zip file.
BTW, please update the "readme.txt" file since the tutorial's URL is my first concern, if there are new source codes, please also update it

Thanks again


Yes... I can read the VB... .NET is great for that.... I don't have VB so to run this I'd have to change all the code... a daunting task... that is why I ask...