Play/Pause/Stop Buttons [VC#]


Junior Contributor
Aug 11, 2003
I am trying to create a TIMER that starts when you press a START button, pauses when you press the PAUSE button, and Stops when you press the STOP button.

So .... I need a START/PAUSE/STOP button, so far the best way I am able to find is to try and draw one using MS-PAINT and adding them as "background images" with no text on typical command buttons.
Problem is the background colors don't match... I can't seem to generate the same colors in MS-PAINT as in VS.NET (typical background color).

Is there a better way to do this? Pre-built buttons hidden somewhere? etc...
here are some that came in Delphi:





the background is System.Drawing.Color.Olive -- (r:128 g:128 b:0)
So there are no built-in methods to C# for these kind of buttons?
Olive is kind of ... not the color I was aiming for :) It's more like a beige I guess.

Anyways - is the best way really just to find a image file and use it as the background to a normal/typical command button (with no text)?
Shaitan00 said:
So there are no built-in methods to C# for these kind of buttons?
Olive is kind of ... not the color I was aiming for :) It's more like a beige I guess.

Anyways - is the best way really just to find a image file and use it as the background to a normal/typical command button (with no text)?
Drop an image list on a form. . .
put the image in the image list. . .
set the transparentcolor of the imagelist to olive. . .
color the button to what ever color you want the background to be. . .
set the ImageList prop of the button to the image list
set the ImageIndex prop of the button to the index of the image in the Image list. . .

boom goes the dynamite!
What exactly is an "image list"? I think that is where I am getting confused.
Drop the image (of START/PAUSE/STOP that I drew manually in MS-PAINT) onto the Form? (but I want it in my button) and then add it to an "imagelist" (no clue what that is)....

I'll go do some reading also - maybe I can solve this one myself :)