Platform Target setting in VB 2008 Express


Apr 4, 2005
I'm trying to use a 32 bit dll in a 64 bit environment. The vendor of the dll told me that I should make the following setting change:

Platform Target = x86 instead of Any CPU

On another source I read that:
For projects, the setting is found on the Advanced Compiler Settings dialog which is made available via the Advanced Compile Options button on the Compile tab of the Project Properties. The list of available options are:
1. Any CPU
2. x86
3. x64
4. Itanium

...but I can not find such a setting. Is this setting forced to Any CPU on the Express version of VB 2008?

Do I have any other workarounds to be able to use the 32 bit dll?
I believe that this is a limitation of the Express Edition. There were some hacks to make MDX2.0 Beta work with the Express Editions but I've never tried.