Has anybody figured out Ping in vb.Net yet??
I've looked at some code from another site, but it only seems to work the first time it is run, then comes back as failed every other time, so it can't be trusted.
The code I'm on about is posted below:-
I've looked at some code from another site, but it only seems to work the first time it is run, then comes back as failed every other time, so it can't be trusted.
The code I'm on about is posted below:-
Visual Basic:
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Public Enum ICMPType
EchoReply = 0
Unreachable = 3
Echo = 8
End Enum
' --- ICMP Echo Header Format ---
' (first 8 bytes of the data buffer)
' Buffer (0) ICMP Type Field
' Buffer (1) ICMP Code Field
' (must be 0 for Echo and Echo Reply)
' Buffer (2) checksum hi
' (must be 0 before checksum calc)
' Buffer (3) checksum lo
' (must be 0 before checksum calc)
' Buffer (4) ID hi
' Buffer (5) ID lo
' Buffer (6) sequence hi
' Buffer (7) sequence lo
' Buffer (8)..(n) Ping Data
Module net
Private Const portICMP As Integer = 7
Private Const bufferHeaderSize As Integer = 8
Private Const packageHeaderSize As Integer = 28
Public Sub Echo(ByVal RemoteName As String, ByVal DataSize As Byte, ByVal pStatus As Label)
'for timing
Dim intStart As Integer
'for timing
Dim intEnd As Integer
'address/port of remote host
Dim RemoteHost As IPEndPoint
Dim rhEP As EndPoint
'id of this packet
Dim Identifier As Short = 0
'sequence number of this packet
Dim Sequence As Short = 0
'the socket we use to connect and
'send data through
Dim ICMPSocket As Socket
'the request buffer
Dim RequestBuffer() As Byte
'the reply buffer
Dim ReplyBuffer(255) As Byte
'the number of bytes received
Dim RecvSize As Integer = 0
RemoteHost = GetRemoteEndpoint(RemoteName)
rhEP = CType(RemoteHost, System.Net.EndPoint)
DataSize = Convert.ToByte(DataSize + bufferHeaderSize)
' If odd data size, we need to add
' one empty byte
If (DataSize Mod 2 = 1) Then
DataSize += Convert.ToByte(1)
End If
ReDim RequestBuffer(DataSize - 1)
' Set Type Field
RequestBuffer(0) = Convert.ToByte(ICMPType.Echo)
' Set ID Field
BitConverter.GetBytes(Identifier).CopyTo(RequestBuffer, 4)
' Set Sequence Field
BitConverter.GetBytes(Sequence).CopyTo(RequestBuffer, 6)
' load some data into buffer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 8 To DataSize - 1
RequestBuffer(i) = Convert.ToByte(i Mod 8)
Next i
' Set Checksum
Call CreateChecksum(RequestBuffer, DataSize, RequestBuffer(2), RequestBuffer(3))
ICMPSocket = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.Icmp)
ICMPSocket.Blocking = False
'Start Countof RTT
intStart = System.Environment.TickCount
'Send Data
ICMPSocket.SendTo(RequestBuffer, 0, DataSize, SocketFlags.None, RemoteHost)
'Receive Data
RecvSize = ICMPSocket.ReceiveFrom(ReplyBuffer, SocketFlags.None, rhEP)
'End Count of RTT
intEnd = System.Environment.TickCount
If RecvSize > 0 Then
Dim ReS As String
Select Case ReplyBuffer(20)
Case Convert.ToByte(ICMPType.EchoReply)
ReS = (intEnd - intStart).ToString 'get the RTT
pStatus.Text = "Host: " + RemoteHost.Address.ToString + " - RTT: " + ReS
Case Convert.ToByte(ICMPType.Unreachable)
ReS = "Unreachable"
pStatus.Text = ReS
Case Else
ReS = "Something Happened"
pStatus.Text = ReS
End Select
End If
Catch e As Exception
MessageBox.Show(e.Message + vbNewLine + e.TargetSite.Name)
If Not ICMPSocket Is Nothing Then
End If
End Try
End Sub
Public Function GetRemoteEndpoint(ByVal RemoteAddress As String) As IPEndPoint
Return New IPEndPoint(Dns.Resolve(RemoteAddress).AddressList(0), portICMP)
End Function
' ICMP requires a checksum that is the one's
' complement of the one's complement sum of
' all the 16-bit values in the data in the
' buffer.
' Use this procedure to load the Checksum
' field of the buffer.
' The Checksum Field (hi and lo bytes) must be
' zero before calling this procedure.
Private Sub CreateChecksum(ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal Size As Integer, ByRef HiByte As Byte, ByRef LoByte As Byte)
Dim i As Integer
Dim chk As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To Size - 1 Step 2
chk += Convert.ToInt32(data(i) * &H100 + data(i + 1))
chk = Convert.ToInt32((chk And &HFFFF&) + Fix(chk / &H10000&))
chk += Convert.ToInt32(Fix(chk / &H10000&))
chk = Not (chk)
HiByte = Convert.ToByte((chk And &HFF00) / &H100)
LoByte = Convert.ToByte(chk And &HFF)
End Sub
End Module