picture array collision


Dec 12, 2005
im trying to set up a collision between a picturebox and an array of pictures but I can only get the collision to work with the newest picture in the array. how would I go about getting the collision to work with every image in the array. heres my collision at the moment:

If player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(pictureArray(pictureArray.Length - 1).Bounds) Then
End If

I think I need to loop it but im having trouble coming up with a way to add this to a loop.

thanks for any help
Mmmmm... for loop...
Visual Basic:
' Loop through pics
For I As Integer = 0 To PictureArray.Length - 1
    'Test for collision
    If Player.Bounds.InstersectsWith(pictureArray(i).Bounds) Then
        'Do things here. i Is the index of the picture with which we collided.
        MessageBox.Show("Holy Crap! I hit pictureArray(" & i.ToString() & ")")
    End If
Visual Basic:
' Loop through pics
For I As Integer = 0 To PictureArray.Length - 1
    'Test for collision
    If Player.Bounds.InstersectsWith(pictureArray(i).Bounds) Then
        'Do things here. i Is the index of the picture with which we collided.
        MessageBox.Show("Holy Crap! I hit pictureArray(" & i.ToString() & ")")
    End If

I forgot to mention that I have the array counting down from 100. so I get the error when I run the program.

I tried to change some of the things around but I still get errors when I move my picture (the one im controlling not the one that is in the array).

when I do this:
Visual Basic:
For I As Integer = PictureArray.Length - 1 to 100
    'Test for collision
    If Player.Bounds.InstersectsWith(pictureArray(i).Bounds) Then
        'Do things here. i Is the index of the picture with which we collided.
        MessageBox.Show("Holy Crap! I hit pictureArray(" & i.ToString() & ")")
    End If

I don't get an error but the collision doesnt work at all.

thanks for your help
Assuming PictureArray is of length 100 then the code you have provided basically says "for i equals 99 to i equals 100", so it would only detect the collision if you hit object 99 or 100 (which in theory should cause an error if its an array of 100, because 100 would be an out of bounds index). marble_eaters example was perfect and I cannot see why you have got an error with it the only thing I can assume is that there is some confusion somewhere.
at the very top I declared my array as a picture box

Visual Basic:
  Dim pictureArray(100) As PictureBox

then in the timer I have the array collision which is the code you gave me

Visual Basic:
For I As Integer = 0 To pictureArray.Length - 1
            'Test for collision
            If player.Bounds.IntersectsWith(pictureArray(I).Bounds) Then
                'Do things here. i Is the index of the picture with which we collided.
                MessageBox.Show("Holy Crap! I hit pictureArray(" & I.ToString() & ")")
            End If

in the function that draws the array I have this code:

Visual Basic:
 ReDim Preserve pictureArray(pictureArray.Length)
        pictureArray(pictureArray.Length - 1) = New PictureBox
'location of picturebox
        pictureArray(pictureArray.Length - 1).Left = 114 + locationleft
        pictureArray(pictureArray.Length - 1).Top = 25 + locationtop
'width and height of picturebox
        pictureArray(pictureArray.Length - 1).Width = 9
        pictureArray(pictureArray.Length - 1).Height = 9
'image for picturebox
        pictureArray(pictureArray.Length - 1).Image = Image.FromFile("ball.jpg")
        Me.Controls.Add(pictureArray(pictureArray.Length - 1))

thanks again for your help
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Assumably the code you say is 'function that draws the array' is inside of a loop? From the code you posted, you always seem to change the last object in the array and then add it to your form, since this is the case the other objects in the array are never actually initialised, thus looping through the pictureArray will fail as the other objects don't exist. This means that whilst your form has all 100 PictureBoxes present and correct the pictureArray only contains the last one created.

You will need todo something like this when you create the array.
Visual Basic:
        Dim pictureArray(100) As PictureBox

        ' loop 100 times in order to create 100 objects
        For i As Integer = 0 To 99
            ' create an object that we will later add to the array
            Dim curPicture As New PictureBox
            ' set the objects properties
            curPicture.Left = 114 + locationleft
            curPicture.Top = 25 + locationtop
            curPicture.Width = 9
            curPicture.Height = 9
            curPicture.Image = Image.FromFile("ball.jpg")
            ' add the object to the array
            pictureArray(i) = curPicture

        ' add the array to the forms control collection so people can see the pictureboxes
This will ensure that both the pictureArray and the Controls collection contain 100 references to the same objects. Now anything you do to the pictureArray should be reflected in the Controls collection.