Pervention of multi Voting


Junior Contributor
Aug 14, 2003
Iran(Middle East)
I have made a poll system with Admin portion.
As u know the poll and voting system have critical points:
1-Multi vote by one user
2-Hacker Attempts
so on
Now for a custom prevention of multi voting,what is the best way?
Cookie? :-\
Definitivly not.

Better have a registry on the server to log who just vote.

If it's kinda anonymous... (without login) then you could only verify the IP if he already voted on this subject.

Otherwise... if you want more security, you could ask for a valid mail address that is not free (no hotmail, caramail, yahoo, etc...) but they'll probably won't give you their own :(

Finally... if you only want registered user to vote... then... you have your solution no ? Remember that this member as voted something and... that's all.

But I'm interested in this subject... if someone have another point of vue... just tell me.

Hope I've helped a little bit.
If it's kinda anonymous... (without login) then you could only verify the IP if he already voted on this subject.
What about dial up users?
Their ISP ip will save?
Otherwise... if you want more security, you could ask for a valid mail address that is not free (no hotmail, caramail, yahoo, etc...) but they'll probably won't give you their own

Finally... if you only want registered user to vote... then... you have your solution no ? Remember that this member as voted something and... that's all.
You konw that both of them are not practical.Is't it?

But I'm interested in this subject... if someone have another point of vue... just tell me
Me too!:)
Ya I agree with you shahab... but the real question is

"How do I uniquely identify a user ?"

IP ? too dynamic...
Cookie ? they are on the local machine so they can be removed.
Email ? even more dynamic than an IP.

there's no real answer for what I know... what I could think about... is an account made of your social security number... but... only the government would act like this... so for us user... we're really in some ****ty problem.

Someone got an anwser ?
PayPal work on email. But Paypal is sure gonna work... who wants anybody using his credit card ?

But a voting system... no one will say "Heyyy I didn't vote on this one ! They used my email for votting ! I want it to be rejected !!".... a vote is a vote... a choice on a question... no body will care about it.

So ... PlausiblyDamp ? Nerseus ? Anyone smarter ? got some idea ??? :p :)