Permanent Desktop Shortcuts


Jun 14, 2004
Is there a way to create such icons as the recycling bin, my computer, etc.? Aol, pre-9.0, used to do it. How can one accomplish this?
BlackStone said:
Is there a way to create such icons as the recycling bin, my computer, etc.? Aol, pre-9.0, used to do it. How can one accomplish this?

Hi Blackstone. I know the type of thing you mean, but the only solutions I can offer you are:

• change the access rights to the shortcut itself
• create a very small program that resides on the desktop and simply invokes the main program
(• or maybe a mixture of the two!)

What you are talking about are not actually shortcuts, i.e. not .lnk files. I don't know all the details but I believe they are special objects defined in the registry.
Yeah exactly jmcilhinney !
I've the solution but try to find in google "delete recycled bin icon"
If you know how to delete, you know how to create...

(sorry for my bad english i'm french)