PDF and Watermark


Dec 20, 2006
I have written a Visual Basic Application, that exports what a user as written to PDF use the Crystal Report Viewer. My question is once the PDF has been created can another application open the PDF and add a watermark to it? This watermark would be temporary it would not actually add it to the image and the watermark would only be visible when this PDF is viewed in this application. And if the user prints out the PDF with this application it would print out the PDF with the watermark. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this would be grealy appreciated.

I passed that situation too, and i got PDFTK tool to solve that.

Download it here :http://www.pdfhacks.com/pdftk/pdftk-1.12.exe.zip

after you call pdftk.exe and pass it the parameters for watermark printing.

The program uses, the original pdf file and the watermark pdf file that will produce the final pdf watermarked.

Besides wtermark feature, with this you can set pwds, encriptions, etc.

pretty nice tool, indeed.

a simple example how i call it from my C# code:
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("pdftk.exe");
startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
startInfo.Arguments = "\"C:\\Temp\\MyOriginalPdfFile.pdf\" background  "C:\\Temp\\MyWatermarkPdfFile.pdf\" output \"C:\\Temp\\MyFinalWatermarkedPdfFile.pdf\"";

I hope it can help u.

best regards,
Tiago Teixeira