I searched the forum and I found what I needed [Link],
but I can't get it to work:
I rewrote the code a little for my needs:
The URL is http://arokh.dnsalias.org/Programs/AniTracker/Test.php
and its only purpose is to print the $_POST array with print_r().
But the $_POST array is always empty.
I searched the forum and I found what I needed [Link],
but I can't get it to work:
I rewrote the code a little for my needs:
Visual Basic:
Dim webReq As HttpWebRequest
Dim reqStm As StreamWriter
Dim postData As String = ""
webReq = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(URL), HttpWebRequest)
webReq.Method = "POST"
reqStm = New StreamWriter(webReq.GetRequestStream())
For Each Param As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In Params
postData &= "&" & Param.Key & "=" & System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Param.Value)
postData = postData.Remove(0, 1)
Dim Content As String = New StreamReader(webReq.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd
The URL is http://arokh.dnsalias.org/Programs/AniTracker/Test.php
and its only purpose is to print the $_POST array with print_r().
But the $_POST array is always empty.