Passing Values From Service to Service


Jun 7, 2002
Iowa, United States
How could I go about passing values from 1 service to another? For instance, someone's account information. They provide login information to an authentication service and then that authentication service passes certain account information to another service I have running?
If its webservices i guess you could just add the reference, then create the service object and use that? What do you mean my "services"?
They would be custom made services. For a chat program that a friend of mine and I are writing. We want to run a couple of services on a Win2k machine, one for handling authentication and one for "being connected" and transferring messages between users. And on top of that, we want to take an administration program, that we are also creating, and be able to read data from the "connected service", and see who is connected.

Anyone have any idea of how to retrieve info like this from a windows service and pass values between these services? Or would a main administration program to handle everything, be the way to go?
You'd communicate via Windows Sockets. This is the only correct method of direct communication available, and it's the method commonly used by the Windows subsystem.