Passing values from one web server to another


Feb 16, 2004
I have a specific situation. We have many applications (projects) situated on one web server. Along with it, there is one "wrapper" application, handling the login and user rights. What it does is, when a user logs in into this application, it sets a cookie, so that all other applications on that server can read it and allow users to see them. (It also builds a tree with links to pages a user can see.)

But, what if I want to allow some or php pages on other web servers (within the same intranet) to be handled by the same "wrapper" application? Can I do this? That means, a user logs in server1 wrapper application, that forms a tree that, among others, has a link to a web application on server2. The problem is that I can't get the server2 application to read the cookie values, because the cookie's name is different :). Any clues on how to solve this? Please pose some questions if I was unclear.

Thanks in advance!
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Don't understand this.

The problem is that I can't get the server2 application to read the cookie values, because the cookie's name is different
You want to read some cookies that you don't know the name?