Passing values from .aspx to .aspx.vb


Apr 5, 2005
Hello! i have a problem.. i try to open a modal window using window.showmodaldialog(URL, Argument, Features). I have retrieved the values i passed to the modal window through the Argument from window.dialogArguments in the html code(.aspx). the problem is I cannot pass this value to my codebehind(.aspx.vb) in pageload. how do i pass a value from my .aspx code to .aspx.vb code at page load? :o
Use the Arguument parameter to pass in a reference to your parent window. Use the URL paramter to pass in your values you want your code behind to process. like


Btw, showmodaldialog only works in IE
kahlua001 said:
Use the Arguument parameter to pass in a reference to your parent window. Use the URL paramter to pass in your values you want your code behind to process. like


Btw, showmodaldialog only works in IE

Thanks kahlua001! but please check if my syntax is correct...

so im gonna call my modal using

dim myObject as string = "This is my Name"
response.write(<script>window.showModalDialog("Page.htm?input=myObject", null, "dialogHeight:450px; dialogwidth:680px;");</script>)

and in my modal page im going to get the value that i passed (which is the variable "myObject" in the parameter "input") by

Dim strQuery As String = String.Empty
If Not Request.QueryString("input") = Nothing Then
strQuery = Request.QueryString("input")
End If

it's not working... :(