Passing two paramters


Jun 19, 2005

I have a datalist container on one page and i have two datalist containers on the desitation page. By passing the IDDepartment Parameter it populates a datalist on the receiving page; however i now find myself needing to seperate the information that is in one datalist on the receiving page into two (AND SO ON) datalist so that i may more define the information that is in each list, and prepare it for the next desitation page.
I have run into this type of problem before and i keep working around it untill i am faced with it again.
I am not sure if i am even asking this correctly; however, my overall goal here is to set up the Databinder.Eval to where i can pass more than one parameter. Or would this be done in code some way?

The reason that i am wanting to pass more than one paramete is because the IDDepartment has a relation to all of the prodcuts; however, the IDCompany does not. I am wanting the IDCompany to be the decision maker to what product gets into which datalist.

* Any suggestions on this would be awsome, because i keep running into this problem and there has to be a way to do this.


From the page that i have one datalist container, is it possiable to pass more than one Parameter?

Below where it says IDDepartment= how would i add another Parameter to pass here?

<a href='WindowTreatment_Home.aspx?IDDepartment=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "DepartmentID") %>'>

***I know this is not right but is there a way to seperate the variables?
LIKE-----> IDDepartment,IDCompany=

<a href='WindowTreatment_Home.aspx?IDDepartment=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "DepartmentID") %>&IDCompany=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "CompanyID") %>'>

Or you can create a Link Button and have your code-behind form add as many variables you like