Pass through web service


Oct 21, 2003
I am trying to make a web service whose only function is to accept parameters and pass them along to another web service. Seems like this is going on a lot now as a way to keep from opening internal boxes to the internet. My problem is that I don't have Studio on the gateway web server.

So I create my gateway web service on one box and then move it out the the gateway web server to test it out. When I add my web reference to the internal web service I remove the localhost in the add web reference box. Yet when I look at the files created in the reference I see lots of 'localhost' in there. I could see where some of them may be refering to themselves by localhost but they aren't they are refering to where my target web service is. I don't think there should be anything localhost in there are at all.

Do I have to edit these manually? If so which ones and where?

Here is my setup:

Gateway Web Server to the public
Pass through web service that accepts parameters
passes them back to my target server and accepts the response
Shows response to client
No studio

Target Web Server
Internal box behind firewall
has the logic to process the web service request
Waits for requests from gateway.
Has Studio on it

It's a little convoluted but here is what I am doing now:
Create client ws on target. Add reference to target ws. Replace localhost with target machine name when adding. Compile. Move ws to gateway.

Am I getting this done correctly?