partial page update


Dec 10, 2003
Hello everyone, I have a web service that returns a string of html data. I was wondering if I can do a partial page update, replacing the html that I currently have with the new html. Is this possible? Or will I have to rewrite the entire page again with the new html? Thanks.

you can do that with javascript, you definitely need a clientside language, so use javascript to update

frames, i frames and so on can help you very much
need html help? just ask or try to find it via google..
thanks for the response. If I use the IFrame how do i get it to refresh with a new page? Just for testing i have 2 htm pages. One with a blue background and one with a red background. the red loads by default. on the click of a button i have the following code, but the page remains red. Any suggestions. Thanks again for the help.

<script language=javascript>
function Button_Click()
document.getElementById("ifram2").src = "h2.htm";
that changes the entire page to h2.htm, not the iframe; however, the following code works the way i want it to:

document.all["ifram2"].src = "h2.htm";

thanks for the help