partial classes and web user controls


Oct 21, 2003
I'm just starting out in 2.0 and finding out alot of things have changed. Alot of things.
Anyway I'm writing a website that has a main default page with a few divs for header and nivigation and whatnot. Then I make user controls and swap them in the middle pane. Real simple like. In VS03 I would have all of my pages in a namespace and then things like data tier access in another namespace for neatness. But now when I generate a control in 2.0 I don't get a namespace attirbute on the top, instead I get a partial class. When I try to add the namespace in the code behind I get an error about the partial class name not jiving with the inherits tag and maybe I'm not doing something correctly

Error	1	Make sure that the class defined in this code file matches the 'inherits' attribute, and that it extends the correct base class (e.g. Page or UserControl)

Can I no longer have namespaces like I used to?
If you look at the html in the aspx file, at the top there should be an @Page directive, find the inherits=".." attribute and modify this so it also includes the namespace.

Then again if you are using 2005 have you considered moving to a masterpage form of layout - will make a easier solution than usercontrols for this kind of thing.