page wont load?!


Jul 14, 2004
heres my porobleme, i have a page with an asp:table that is loaded at page load, the table contains data from a database... it works well, but if i add a member then come back to that page (by a link to come back, not the 'back' button) the table wont load, the last table loaded stays there, so i cant see the memeber i just added... I noticed it wont do the page lkoad event... i dont know what hapened since it's the 5th page of this kind i have in my project and all the others works fine, and i didnt do anything diferently than from the others... anyone might klnow what's going on?
Your "Back" link is just a normal url to load the original page? or you use Javascript history.back() or use "Submit" to previous page?

I suggest you upload your page here will be easy
bungpeng said:
Your "Back" link is just a normal url to load the original page? or you use Javascript history.back() or use "Submit" to previous page?

I suggest you upload your page here will be easy

after the update in the DB i use this: Response.Write("<script>\"groups.aspx?UserId="+Request.QueryString.Get("UserId")+"\",\"main\");</script>");

but i forced IE to release the cache(firefox was not doing this) and now it's working, i fond my answer there: