page layout on website with menu


Dec 30, 2003
i am confused as to how a website is coded in to have a menu bar that is on each page.

specifically, i am looking at most tabs that you click still load "default.aspx" then use the '?' to load another page. so i assume the menu is loaded as a control in default.aspx.

but when you click, say, the Tutorials tab, default.aspx is not shown to be loaded anymore, it loads "quickstart.aspx" yet the menu bar at the top remains. does this mean they had to load the menu control on the quickstart page as well, or is there something that i am missing. maybe the use of templates?

by the way, if anyone knows of a good place to learn about using templates in web design please let me know.
thanks but i really am looking for a tutorial on templates, not just VB source code. preferably in C#. i guess the search continues, there just doesnt seem to be much available on this.