Override Windows 'Remember my login'


Junior Contributor
Dec 31, 1969
Orlando, FL
Windows gives a feature which lets you have it remember your log in and password. Being a normal, sane person I disable it as one of the first things I wo with a new Windows install

However, some people use it. I have a 'remember my login and password' option on a login page and I want someone who has selected the Windows 'remember my login and password' to have that decision reversed, should they select my 'do not remember' option.

Other than going on a cookie witch hunt, how would I do this?
I never looked into the matter but I would trust IE's password saving above a cookie.

At least I know those passwords are encrypted and only accesable to your useraccount (I know I know, no security is perfect but no exploit is out that I know of). Where as a cookie is plain text and is readable by anybody with admin access over the PC.
The problem is that, unless I manually save the cookie, the person for whom the site is being developed wants there to be no chance for there to be an entry in the field.

In HTML I would have just set the value to 0 to prevent getting that dropdown of all of the previous options and then having windows popping in a valid log in.
Try adding an "autocomplete" attribute to the form element, setting it to "off". This will only work in Internet Explorer.

<form action="/?" method="post" autocomplete="off">