Override menu/sitemapdatasource creation


Jul 2, 2003
Near Chicago, IL. USA

I'm starting to play around in asp.net once again using the Personal Web Site Starter Kit. In the Default.master page, I have a menu control being created using a datasourceid property set to a sitemapdatasource control:
Visual Basic:
                <asp:menu id="menub" runat="server" 
                    staticdisplaylevels="2" />
<asp:sitemapdatasource id="SiteMapDataSource1" runat="server" startingnodeoffset="0" />
I'm also using a SiteMapPath control in the same master page:
Visual Basic:
<asp:SiteMapPath id="SiteMapPath1" runat="Server" PathSeparator=" > " RenderCurrentNodeAsLink="false" />
What I would like to do is somehow override the menu/sitemapdatasource controls so that it skips one of the entries in the web.sitemap file. However, I would like to leave the entry in the web.sitemap file for the SiteMapPath control to show the value. Any idea where to begin? :confused:
What reason are you looking at skipping over the entry? Is this security related? If so then siteMaps have built in support for removing entries that are not accessibly for a given user anyway.
No, not security related. I just don't want the link (maybe others in the future) to be included in the menu creation. If I were to include the link in the web.sitemap file, the page would look like the following:
top menu:  link1 link2 link3 OnlyShowCurLocationlink

Current location: Homelink > OnlyShowCurLocationlink

bottom menu: link1 link2 link3 OnlyShowCurLocationlink
However, I want it to look like this:
top menu:  link1 link2 link3

Current location: Homelink > OnlyShowCurLocationlink

bottom menu: link1 link2 link3
If I can't override the creation, is it possible to have two web.sitemap files (one for the SiteMapPath control and one for the menu control)? I would prefer not having to do this, as I would need to maintain two files...
As a temporary workaround, I'm going to leave the link out of the web.sitemap file and create an absoultely positioned DIV with the hard-coded path for the page in question. Maybe when I become more proficent in .net capabilities, I can see how to overcome this .net control problem. I'm rather suprised that no one here knows of a way...