Optimising site


Jan 4, 2005
Hi All,

I have just finished my first e-commerce site which I am pleased with as much as I am grateful to people at this forum for their help.

One thing bothers me though. When I load the site for the first time, it takes a long time to fire up. Any other attempts after this are fine, even if I empty my temporary internet files it still loads quick.

I know this might be a too general query but are there any classic pitfalls that may cause this. I suspect that because my site has 16 or more controls (ascx) files it is the server being slow at creating these controls, are they cached for so long after this or something?

Please help if you can.

Many thanks, Dave. :) :) :)
I would say it's the compilation. When the website is first requested the files are compiled. With further requests .Net checks for a newer version of the file - if one doesn't exist it uses it's already compiled version.

mark007 said:
I would say it's the compilation. When the website is first requested the files are compiled. With further requests .Net checks for a newer version of the file - if one doesn't exist it uses it's already compiled version.


Yes, Mark's right. Your application gets compiled the first time it runs. This doesn't occur per visitor, only on the first visit to the site [by anyone].