Opening VS2005 for the first time


Mar 8, 2004
When I opened VS2005 for the first time, it asked me to choose an enviroment setting. Not sure if I choose "VB setting" or "web setting". I cant choose both seems like. I can import under "tools/import exort" but i think it always imports one setting.
Found this site as well but still not clear:

I'd be developing in VB.Net ..which setting should I import?
It's all up to your personal preference. I was used to the visual studio 2003 setup and do both C# and VB, so I choose ".Net Developer" (at least that's what I think it was). I'm pretty sure all it does is set up your help filtering and perhaps some of the layout to make that tasks that you do most often easier. As I recall the variations were very small. Since you can change the setup later, it doesn't really matter what you choose, though your best bet will probably be either ".Net developer" or "VB developer"