Opening Remote Solutions


Senior Contributor
Sep 11, 2003
Here's the situation. My house has a home network; 2000 Server w/AD running. I have my account in AD set up as Debugger User and WebSite Admin/Author.

I jump between 2 computers in the house. This big fast one, and the laptop. I'm working on websites right now. Currently I have IIS running on this one, the server, and my laptop. When working on the project I have all the files locally on that machine. When I make changes I move the files to the server. When I goto the other machine I have to download those files from the server on to that local machine so I keep everything up to date. This is a stupid way of doing things. I have IIS on the server so why can't I just remotely work with it? Why? Cause I can't get the stupid thing configured correctly.

I have the files on the server. I set up a virtual directory on the server. When navigating in opening a solution I can get to the virtual directory but it appears empty...I have no idea why, but regardless I can manually put in:


and get the process of starting the solution started, but then of coarse I get this:

"The Web server reported the following error when attempting to create or open the Web project located at the following URL: 'http://localhost/myVirtualDirectory'. 'A connection with the server could not be established'.

Well duh!.... you shouldn't be looking at localhost you should be looking at myServer.... I know it's in a config file or something stupid like that, but I can't find it and I'm at the point of frustration that I've probably looked at it 20 times and am just missing it.

What am I doing wrong? Oh and if you know why the solution or any files for that matter don't show up when I browse to the virtual directory (i.e. Network Neighborhood -> Entire Network -> Microsoft Windows Network -> myServer -> WebFolder) that would be awesome too. I'm still learning a lot about server so I'm sure that's part of my hold up too.

Okay, figured out where I was going wrong problem...

I try to run in debug mode and I get the whole 'Member must be a member of debugger users group'... I am, I went into AD and confirmed that. I logged off and logged back on just to ensure I had the load permissions and for the heck of it even put a file on the server that only debugger users had access too... still get that error... any ideas?
I feel your pain and wish I had an answer for you bri. I have been having issues like this since I started in .NET. Are you using FrontPage Extensions by any chance?
It seems to me that VS.NET 2003 didn't do a very good job of designing the teamwork concept into the software. I'm hoping Whideby will help out with this. Where I work they are very antsy about letting anyone have IIS so we must remote develop on a testing server and we have seen all of those error messages before. One solution we utilized was to install IIS and then cripple it somehow. This gets you all of the communication you need to a remote server.

When I build web apps that are on a remote server I enter the path to the machine in the new projects dialog then I have to click through 3 error messages and I lose all of my debugging but I can develop.
You can find some pretty inventive debuggin solutions when you don't have a built in debugger.