Open an application while window starts


Oct 28, 2007
I need to run a C# .NET 2 application (itvC.exe) while starting Windows. I have added the exe file to startup menu. Then the application is running but very slow and it looks like hanging.

Also I tried the same making a batch file like below

dim objshell
Set objshell=CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell") "c:\bin\Debug\ItvC.exe"

But I am getting the same result

Also I made C# application to run the needed application itvC.exe using the command


But in all the way if I run my application its running slowly.

But if I double click the application and run then it works fine.

I need some one help to sort this please

Is the application running fine after a while or does it stay slow until it is closed and reopened?

Be aware that when windows is launching all the background services are starting as well as any other applications configured to run on start up - this will cause a lot of disk / memory IO and will cause the system to appear slow.
it's staying slow until it got closed if i start the application via startup or via this small starup application.
but if i double click over the itvc.exe icon it';s working fine.
it's having lot of dll's and ocx since it's a multimedia based c# application which uses lot of dll;s for music player ,tv player ,flash player etc., and database access from sql server which is in remote location.

is thr anyway we could achieve the startup application to run with normal speed .
The problem could well be down to one of the dll / ocx components you are using. However finding and fixing the problem could be far more complex as it is very tricky to spot problems during system startup. has a couple of free monitoring tools that might help (Filemon and Regmon) as these could highlight any failures or oddities that occur during system startup.