Online Database Ideas - User Controls

cyrilgupta said:
Heh... someone wants us to do all the hardwork for him.
I'm not looking for all the work to be done, havnt you seen my attempts to solve this problem? The problem is still follow the link in my previous post to read the problem and view the attempts to solve which have been made to date, any suggestions will help.
Looking at the posts so far they seem to be heading in the correct direction, I would personally go for the code behind model rather than inline script as the intellisense etc. is far superior.
Try looking at the attached sample to see if it helps


Thanks for the sample currently using Visual Web Developer 2005 which wont let me open the project but I will look into it whenever I can find a spare moment using Notepad. Nevertheless I do have the 2003 version of Visual Studio, however to my knowledge it wont support OleDB and instead uses standard ADO database connections. Is this true?