One-dimensional array and textbox


May 26, 2005
I am trying to create a one-dimensional array without size from text entered into a textbox. I then use the redim statement to resize the array.

I have tried two different approaches without success. The first was setting the textbox up as the array:

Dim txtScore() As TextBox
Dim iScoreCount As Integer

For ReDim Preserve txtScore(iScoreCount)
iScoreCount += 1

The second was setting up the array and trying to get data from the textbox to the array:

Dim dScore As Decimal
Dim iScoreCount As Integer

For dScore(iScoreCount) = txtScore.Text 'this is a syntax error
iScoreCount += 1

I was able to get the first entry into the textbox into the array, but could not get anything further into it. I used the following to check:

lblScoreCount.Text = iScoreCount

I would get a "1" in the label, but when I tried to enter another number into the textbox, nothing would happen.

Any ideas on how to get the loop to work, or am I making this much harder than it has to be?
I'm not sure if I am understanding your problem correctly. What excatly are you trying to do? Splitting the text into characters and putting them into an array, or what? I'm not making much sense out of your problem.
mutant said:
I'm not sure if I am understanding your problem correctly. What excatly are you trying to do? Splitting the text into characters and putting them into an array, or what? I'm not making much sense out of your problem.

Sorry, I am very new to programing and am probably in over my head.

The assignment is to create a one-dimensional array. The data comes from a textbox. The user enteres scores(numbers) and clicks an "Add" button. the buttonclick event adds the number to the array. The ScoreCount (number of scores in the array) are displayed on the form as well as the score total(sum) and the average of the scores.

I am having trouble getting the data from the textbox to the array. I can get one number into it, but nothing further.

Does that help?
Not sure why you're trying to use an array of TextBoxes. Here's how I would do it (one TextBox on a form):
    Private _data As New ArrayList

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim iLp As Integer
        Dim total As Integer
        Dim average As Single


        For iLp = 0 To _data.Count - 1
            total += CType(_data(iLp), Integer)
        Next iLp

        Label1.Text = total.ToString
        Label2.Text = (total / _data.Count).ToString

    End Sub

Or, even easier:
    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Static count As Integer
        Static total As Integer

        count += 1

        total += CType(TextBox1.Text, Integer)

        Label1.Text = total.ToString
        Label2.Text = (total / count).ToString

    End Sub
If you're using .NET, there's no reason to use regular arrays that you have to manually resize. Let .NET handle it for you. :D :cool:
The assignment states to us a one-dimensional array to store the scores. The array needs to be declared without an initial size and we have to use the redim statement to resize each time a score is added.

Due to this we are limited in the options we have.
Tell your teacher than using redim isn't really that good and that you should be using arraylists.

Visual Basic:
dim scores as arraylist = new arraylist

public sub Addscore(byval score as integer)
end sub
Since you must use, as previously pointed out, a bad programming practice, here is an example for you.
Visual Basic:
Dim scores(-1) As Integer

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        ReDim Preserve scores(scores.Length)
        scores(scores.Length - 1) = Integer.Parse(sc.Text)
End Sub
Please plead with your instructor to teach to use the tools provided with .NET properly! :)
Here is what I have gotten so far...

Public Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click

Dim iScoreCount As Integer
Dim dScore() As Decimal = {FormatNumber(txtScore.Text)}
Dim dScoreTotal As Decimal
Dim dScoreText As Decimal

For iScoreCount = 0 To dScore.GetUpperBound(0)
ReDim Preserve dScore(iScoreCount)
iScoreCount += 1
Next iScoreCount

For iScoreCount = 0 To dScore.GetUpperBound(0)
dScoreTotal += dScore(iScoreCount)
Next iScoreCount

lblScoreCount.Text = iScoreCount
lblScoreTotal.Text = dScoreTotal

End Sub I get one variable into the array, but I cannot seem to figure out how to add another variable. When I enter a new number into the txtbox, it simply over-writes the old number and lblScoreTotal.Text continues to read 1 .

Can anyone tell me how to get this dumb program to continue adding variables to the array until I tell it to stop?
Try this:

    Private _data() As Integer

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        Dim iLp As Integer
        Dim total As Integer
        If _data Is Nothing Then
            ReDim _data(0)
            ReDim Preserve _data(_data.GetUpperBound(0) + 1)
        End If

        _data(_data.GetUpperBound(0)) = TextBox1.Text

        For iLp = 0 To _data.GetUpperBound(0)
            total += CType(_data(iLp), Integer)
        Next iLp

        Label1.Text = total.ToString
        Label2.Text = (total / _data.GetLength(0)).ToString

    End Sub