old asp..upload files script (vbscript)


Junior Contributor
Nov 10, 2003
hi all. i know this is a dot net site, but i find this site great so id say some of you can help me. i am using regular asp ( not dot net). i have a site tith info from many different departments in my building. the problem is when a change has to be made to the info, i have to do it manually. i want to create an asp page that allows people to do this themselves( submit data into a db ). i need for them to be able to log on, and i think i can solve that one myself. the problem is uploading pics. i want them to be able to upload a max of 3 pics, i want to be able to limit the size of the pics. how can i write a script , in vb script, that will check the files are within the size limit, and ftp them to the server? thanks for any help recieved . if anyone can recommend a good site for old asp + vbscript id be greatful