Object Test Bench


Junior Contributor
Feb 17, 2003
I've just discovered the Object Test Bench. Is it useful? If so, how would you use it? All my objects are so interconnected that I think it would be more work to set them up on the test bench than to simply run the application and set them up as intended.
I think the Object Test Bench would be best suited to drop-in components, such as those designed to be reusable.

There is an ideal that some programmers strive for, sometimes referred to as an "orthogonal" style or model. Essentially, the point is to reduce coupling and interdependence. Generalize classes or narrow their scope and they become more re-usable and easier to modify without things blowing up. In terms of the Object Test Bench, if you code with an orthogonal style, it would certainly be easier to test your components independently.
OK, thanks. I probably need to have a think about ensuring that later versions of my programme will be compatible with earlier ones and I guess this is along the same lines.