object scope/lifecycle


Apr 14, 2005
I'm about to embark on my first asp.net project, I have a fair grasp of oo (theory more than practical experience) and have done a little bit of vb6 & vb.net windows app work.

When using an object orientated approach to an asp application, what is the scope of an instantiated object? Can/how are objects passed between pages? For example if i were to create a news article class and instantiate it on one page, could i use that same instance on another page or would i need to re-instantiate?

Apologies if this is a dumb question, have only just started preparing and this is one of the first queries i have.

Any help much appreciated,

Objects would normally only live for the duration of the page request i.e. they wouldn't be valid on a postback.
There are several possible ways to maintain state information on the server side clicky has a sample project which demonstrates several of the available methods.