Null Exception Bug Still a pain in the a ...


Junior Contributor
Sep 3, 2003
I thought I am skilled enough to resolve any null_exception, but damn me, i don't know how to repair this one.

Check the attachment
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Well, when I click the button, I get a '/Null Exception Bug'.

The app is more complex, it takes data from an sql server and it writes data to the sql server, but I took that part away . That's my only problem, the button throwing a null exception .

I have created an user control, and put some of it on the form. To work easier with them, I created an array, Which I initialize in the load page event. When loading data from the sql server it works perfectly ( also in the page-load event ), but when clicking the button, the array = Nothing
Yes but if I re-initialize them, I lose the properties . For example, If I type something in the textbox, it won't matter it will take the text from the 'original' control ( "" ) :(

Later Edit :
Ok, I solved the problem, using a collection and some little tricks, and the page works corectly now, but I'm still interested in one issue : How can I prevent a postback when clicking a button ? ( sorry if the Q is too dummy, I'm quite new to aspn )
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