Notification on receipt of email from particular sender


Junior Contributor
Feb 17, 2003
I'd like to get some notification when I get an email from a certain sender. Just a beep will do. I'm using Outlook Express and can't find any way to achieve that with that programme, so it looks like some coding may be necessary. Two approaches come to mind :

1. Get a reference to Outlook and keep checking that for the new email; and
2. Add a rule in Outlook to move the relevant messages to a folder. There will then automatically be created a dbx file for such messages. If I monitor changes to that file (hopefully I can just get hold of its last modified property), that will tell me that a new message has arrived.

I think I prefer 2. Can anyone give me any pointers to how to go about this?


OK, I can use the LastWriteTime of the file, and check every minute with a Timer to see if it's changed. But it doesn't just change when I receive a new email - it also changes when I navigate away from the folder in Outlook. Any suggestions for improvement still welcome.