Noob questions!


Jul 26, 2010

i am automating a home brewery, i have come up with the following code, can someone go over it and pick out why its not working?


Visual Basic:
Public Class Form1

    'Declare variables
    Private selecteddate As Date
    Private timeokpressed As Date
    Private boilstartedtime As Date

    Dim mashvolume As Integer
    Dim boillength As Integer
    Dim mashlength As Integer
    Dim boilvolume As Integer
    Dim differencebetweenmashvolumeandthirtyoneminutes As Integer

    'digibee+ declare functions
    Declare Function InitDgb Lib "dgb.dll" () As Boolean
    Declare Function SetOutputs Lib "dgb.dll" (ByVal outputs As Integer) As Boolean
    Declare Function ReadInputs Lib "dgb.dll" (ByRef inputs As Integer) As Boolean
    Declare Function ReadAnalogueInputs Lib "dgb.dll" (ByRef aip1 As Integer, ByRef aip2 As Integer, ByRef aip3 As Integer, ByRef aip4 As Integer) As Boolean
    Declare Function SetSensitivity Lib "dgb.dll" (ByVal HighNorm As Integer) As Boolean

    Private Sub startimer_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStarttimer.Click
        lblStatus.Text = "Waiting until it's 2 hours before requested mash-in time."

        'inisialises digibee+ (removedfornow)
            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = selecteddate.AddHours(-2).ToShortTimeString Then
                lblStatus.Text = "2 hours before mash-in time. Heating mash liquor. relay 1 on(HLTPID)" : Exit Do
                'turns on output relay 1 to operate HLTPID setoutputs(1) (removed for now ) 
            End If

            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = selecteddate.AddMinutes(-31).ToShortTimeString Then
                lblStatus.Text = "31mins before mashin time, filling mash tun. relays 1 & 3 on (HLTPID & PP1)" : Exit Do
                'Turns on output realys 1 & 3 to operate HLTPID & PP1 :setoutputs(3) (removed for now)
            End If

            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = selecteddate.AddMinutes(-differencebetweenmashvolumeandthirtyoneminutes).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "waiting " & differencebetweenmashvolumeandthirtyoneminutes & " minutes which will then be mash in time." : Exit Do
            'will keep relays 1&3 on until mashvolume has been pumped into mash tun

        lblStatus.Text = "RIMs on" 'Turns on output realys 8,4,3 & 1 to operate HLTPID, MM1, V1 & MashPID :Setoutputs(282) (removed for now)
            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = selecteddate.ToShortTimeString Then
                MsgBox("Ready for you to mash-in. Press ok when you have mashed in, topped up the HLT, fitted the RIMs manifold and filled the hop hoppers with hops as you require. Dont forget the protofloc!") : Exit Do
            End If 'Notifies brewer that the mash tun is ready for mashing in.  When OK is pressed program will move on to the next instruction.

        timeokpressed = Now 'notes what time ok was pressed

            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = timeokpressed.AddMinutes(mashlength).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "Mash finished, starting sparge." : Exit Do
            'waits for mashlength to expire 

        'setoutputs(19) when mashlength has expired, will open relays 5,2 and 1 thats pp1, pp2 and HLTPID and turn off MashPID and MM1 (removed for now)

            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = timeokpressed.AddMinutes(boilvolume).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "Turning off HLTPID to prevent run-dry."
            : Exit Do ':setoutputs(100) turns off hltpid and on boilpid halfway through sparge as boiler is half full. 6,5 & 2 pp1, pp2 and boilpid on (removed for now)


            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = timeokpressed.AddMinutes(boilvolume * 2).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "Sparge complete, starting boil.  Bittering hopper open."
            : Exit Do ':setoutputs(1088) relays 10 & 6 open boilPID and bittering hops hopper opened. will close pp1, pp2 and hltpid relays(removed for now)


        boilstartedtime = Now

            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = boilstartedtime.AddMinutes(boillength - 10).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "Opening 10 min hops hopper."
            : Exit Do ':setoutputs(2112) relays 11&6 10min hopper & boilPID


            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = boilstartedtime.AddMinutes(boillength - 5).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "Opening 5 min hops hopper."
            : Exit Do ':setoutputs(4160) relays 12&6 min hopper & boilPID


            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = boilstartedtime.AddMinutes(boillength).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "Opening 0 min hops hopper  and stoping the boil."
            : Exit Do ':setoutputs(8192) relay 13 ON 0 min hopper open and boilPId OFF


            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = boilstartedtime.AddMinutes(boillength + 5).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "Closing 0 min hops hopper, steeping for 15 minutes."
            : Exit Do ':setoutputs(0) all relays off


            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = boilstartedtime.AddMinutes(boillength + 20).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "Aroma hop steep completed.  Comencing wort cooling and transfer to fermentation vessel."
            : Exit Do ':setoutputs(640) relays 7&9 on, PP3 and V2 on


            If Date.Now.ToShortTimeString = boilstartedtime.AddMinutes(boillength + 80).ToShortTimeString Then lblStatus.Text = "Wort transfer compeleted." : MsgBox("Your beer is ready for you to pitch the yeast!")
            : Exit Do ':setoutputs(0) relays all off


        Timertwohoursbeforemash.Interval = 60000
        Timertwohoursbeforemash.Enabled = True

    End Sub

    Private Sub Timertwohoursbeforemash_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timertwohoursbeforemash.Tick


    End Sub

    Private Sub nudMashvolume_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nudMashvolume.ValueChanged
        mashvolume = nudMashvolume.Value
        differencebetweenmashvolumeandthirtyoneminutes = (31 Mod mashvolume * 2)
    End Sub

    Private Sub nudBoilvolume_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nudBoilvolume.ValueChanged
        Boilvolume = nudBoilvolume.Value
    End Sub

    Private Sub nudBoillength_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nudBoillength.ValueChanged
        boillength = nudBoillength.Value
    End Sub

    Private Sub Label7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label7.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub dtp1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dtp1.ValueChanged
        selecteddate = dtp1.Value
    End Sub
End Class
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Hi EccentricDyslex. Just two things I want to point out. One is that it helps a lot in terms of readability if you use
Visual Basic:
 or [CODE] tags. The other is that, although we are glad to try and help you solve problems, dropping a long code listing and simply asking us to find the problem is generally frowned upon. If you can narrow it down and exclude non-problematic code, great. If not, it is what it is. But the real issue is that people are going to hesititate to help if you don't at least explain what the code is supposed to do, and what exactly is going wrong. Glad you got it sorted out though.