Newest Summer Update


Senior Contributor
May 21, 2003
Boston, Massachusetts
Microsoft just released their latest summer update yesterday (DirectX 9.0c).
I was just wondering whether any of you guys had problems with this update (VS.NET 2002) while installing it. I know lots of people had problems getting the 9.0b update to work, especially with VS.NET 2002.

The URL for the download is here:

Major improvements include:
-HLSL support for Pixel Shader & Vertex Shader 3.0
-Effects Framework performance improvements
-Pre computed Radiance Transfer improvements
-New Sample framework
-New & Updated Samples
-PIX tool for better debugging of Direct3D applications
-Introduction of the Preview Pipeline for easier content creation

It's pretty amazing that they're adding support for PS/VS 3.0, becuase the only graphics card that supports currently it is the Nvidia 6800GT.
I'm interested in this Preview Pipeline (I really have no idea what it is)

-The Pentium Guy
ThePentiumGuy said:
Microsoft just released their latest summer update yesterday (DirectX 9.0c).
I was just wondering whether any of you guys had problems with this update (VS.NET 2002) while installing it. I know lots of people had problems getting the 9.0b update to work, especially with VS.NET 2002.

The URL for the download is here:

Major improvements include:
-HLSL support for Pixel Shader & Vertex Shader 3.0
-Effects Framework performance improvements
-Pre computed Radiance Transfer improvements
-New Sample framework
-New & Updated Samples
-PIX tool for better debugging of Direct3D applications
-Introduction of the Preview Pipeline for easier content creation

It's pretty amazing that they're adding support for PS/VS 3.0, becuase the only graphics card that supports currently it is the Nvidia 6800GT.
I'm interested in this Preview Pipeline (I really have no idea what it is)

-The Pentium Guy
Holy, has a year passed already!
I'm beginning to think that VS.NET (2000) is incompatible with the new Summer DirectX release. I'm at the stage where I'm going to ditch VS.NET and go back to VS6 just so I can get some coding done.

My issue is specifically that the references will not work.

Dude, you may have earned a place in heaven with that advice. I'll try it out tonight.

You may have to do a little more tweaking as that was for the summer 2003 update and this thread is about the 2004 update. I'll install the 2004 update and let you know what to do (then maybe the thread would be marked sticky for anyone who needs help with either of the updates)

Yes it got my references sorted.

Many thanks for that, you are a star

Still, since 'updating' my sdk, I have yet to see a single piece of code actually work on any system I have access to.

Am i right in thinking the following the latest DX SDK is incompatible with earlier versions' source code. I've donwloaded every VB.NET sample/tutorial/example of Direct3D ever made and none of them work anymore.

I'm finding this extremely confusing because I am new as new to .NET as I am to DirectX (Direct3D). I can't translate C# into VB because, apart from the semi-colons, it looks like a version of basic anyway :)

If I had the code to create a device in VB.NET with the latest .NET framework and the latest Direct3D SDK stuff (is that what "Managed" is? There's no explanation of what Managed means in relation to anything else that a layman can get to grips with), I could sail off into the distance whisting contentedly.

Can someone post the source or a zip of the most basic Direct3D device creation routine possible - one that presents an empty screen? From there, I would hope to make some headway by comparing C# and VB statements and extrapolating.

This is so annoying - I can't believe how ignorant this language is making me feel - I've been programming on and off for 23yrs!
