Newbie: Inheritance Question


Feb 4, 2005
I am a newbie attempting to learn OOP with C#. I have 2 classes - base class = LibraryAsset and derived class = Book. The private fields for the 2 classes are below.

Library Asset: _title, _checkedOut
Book: _isbn, _author

I have written the necessary properties and methods.

The following code runs when the program starts

Book myBook = new Book();
myBook.Author = "John Doe";
myBook.CheckedOut = false;
myBook.ISBN = "554666";
myBook.Title = "Learning OOP";

I have an ToString override method in the Book class and the LibraryAsset to return the associated fields. See below:

public override string ToString() // from Book Class
return String.Format( "Author: {0} \nISBN: {1}",

public override string ToString() // from LibraryAsset class
return String.Format("Title: {0} \nChecked Out: {1}",

My question is how do I write out all of the myBook properties to the screen. Console.WriteLine(myBook) only writes out the _author and _isbn. What do I need to do to write out the _title and _checkedOut?

Thanks for your help!
Firstly, I recommend using the CS tags to make easier reading. Secondly, you could do either of the following:
// If _title and _checkedOut are public or protected...
public override string ToString() // from Book Class
return String.Format( "Author: {0} \nISBN: {1}\n Title: {3}\nChecked Out? {4}",
new Object[] {_author, _isbn, _title, _Checked Out});
public override string ToString() // from Book Class
// Use the base keyword to access overridden/shadowed base members
return base.ToString() + String.Format( "Author: {0} \nISBN: {1}",