Newbe here


Feb 19, 2006
Hi. I hope this is the right place for this as I am new to this site and new to I was wandering if anyone could tell me what it means when an error says "Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated." I am making a program in Visual Basic using Visual Studio.Net and I have a timer in it. The form is displayed with the options to select and give the right/wrong answer and then the form is supposed to reload itself with different questions and answers. It seems to work fine, but the error will not go away and when i go to deploy the project, it gives me errors which I think are do to the previous ones. The line that gives the error says:

Me.BeginnersTestFindLetter_Load(Me.btnImage1, e.Empty)

with a green and red line under e.Empty. I have tried to put Me.ShowDialog, but it tells me that the form is already visible. I have a snapshot of the error if that is helpful, I can post it. I hope someone will be able to tell me how to fix it.
Thank you.

I figured out what the problem was with the error, but when I still go to deploy (build) the program and run it on a clean machine that has no visual studio installed, it still has the problem I had b/f from deploying the project which I thought was from the error I just fixed. After I installed the program and launch it, it comes up that it has encountered a problem and needs to shut down. When I look at what the error report contains, it says system: InvalidOperationException. It keeps coming back each time I deploy (build) the program and install it on the clean machine. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue.
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clean machine

Hi Cags, yes it was packaged with the program and installed first b/f the program but still the error comes up. I hope this helps.
Is there any difference between the framework service pack version on the client and the development PC?
Also could you give a bit more detail about the error on the client PC - is there further info other than InvalidOperationException?

Thanks for your answers. I got it figured out from a local friend that it was an error from my crystal reports that I didnt have installed with the program. It now works...:)