New User question regarding use of string variable value as a new menuitem name


Jul 9, 2003
I would like to accomplish the following task:
1. Read the names of all folders in c:/temp
2. create a menu item for each folder that is found under c:/temp and name the menu item with the concatanation of "mnu" and "folder name"

I can read the names of folders under c:/temp as follows:
Dim mystring As String()
mystring = System.IO.Directory.GetFileSystemEntries("c:\temp")

Now I want to use the following for loop:
Dim str As String
For Each str In mystring
'...question is what do I need to do here -- the following does not work
Dim newstring As string
newstring = "mnu" & str
' I have the correct string in newstring which I would like to use as a name for a menu item like so:
Dim newstring As New MenuItem()
'...the issue is that newstring is already defined as a string and now I am trying to define it as a menu item.
'...How do get a menuItem whose name is equal to the value of newstring????
Next str