New to .Net- Imports System.Windows.Forms does not appear


Feb 18, 2005
Hi everyone,

I am new to .Net, so please excuse if this problem is a novice problem. I tried to create a DataGrid to update an SQL file on the Web. But I got an error "Type 'TextBox' is not defined." On the net I read that all you had to do was type at the top of the file "Imports System.Windows.Forms". But unfortunatel :confused: y it is not valid when I enter it. In fact it doesn't even acknowledge up to the "Import System.Windows"! P.S. I have the Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Developer Edition.

LazRazMataz said:
I am new to .Net, so please excuse if this problem is a novice problem. I tried to create a DataGrid to update an SQL file on the Web. But I got an error "Type 'TextBox' is not defined." On the net I read that all you had to do was type at the top of the file "Imports System.Windows.Forms". But unfortunatel :confused: y it is not valid when I enter it. In fact it doesn't even acknowledge up to the "Import System.Windows"!

Check that your project also reference System.Windows.Forms.dll
Produced another error.

Ooops, got another error. Didn't notice but after adding that reference it produced another error. "Value of type 'System.Web.UI.Control' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.

Thanks for the previous tip anyways.