New Server Error - Variable Declaration


Oct 23, 2003
Phoenix, Arizona
Error Question

I am developing an application on our intranet server from my local pc. I am developing it using the intranet url as part of my project name - so ""
The problem I have is (and I think this may be because I am not actually working on the server), the application will not show me runtime errors when they occur. I just get that "error in whatever application" and it tells me to set custom errors to "off" (which I did) but I still cannot see them.
I think this is probably why I am not able to debug my web applications since I am working on one computer with the application on another.
Is that why?
I hope I am making sense here. I am sure there is some kind of setting or something I am missing.
I would appreciate any help with this as it is driving me crazy.
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I don't think so, Friendly HTTP errors should be off if you are writing code. Otherwise you get those pages with out technical information. e.g. what line of code caused the error, etc. That is the only reason I can think of for not being able to see error messages.