New Folder syntax?


Apr 4, 2003
Is there a way to Force the creation of a folder on a user's sytem?
I have an application using oledbdataadapter's etc and they're all pointing to C:\DATA\DATABASE.MDB but custom folder properties uses at best TARGETDIR which allows the user to select the folder.
Other possible selections have no editable property that i can see.
I just want to make a folder called C:\Data and have the files stored there. I dunno why it's so hard to do that LOL

Thanks anyone who has any feedback.
why not place the files in a folder in your application path/folder
that ways, when you create the "setup" project, you can specify that the installation create the defined folder. this would be the easiest method.

ie. c::\programfiles\yourApp\Data\

I thought of that and figured the dataset and dataadapter Connection String would be invalid. I may be wrong but i think the default connection strings used in dataadapters do not support variables such as AppPath (when using the wizard)
That would mean rebuilding my datagrid columstyles programatically and id really rather not do that.