.Net Remote Debugging - Please help!


Feb 24, 2003

I currently am trying to set up remote debugging for ASP.NET. Here is my current set up:

Windows 2003 EE/IIS6
Full/Complete installation of Visual Studio.Net 2003
IIS is set up in the following way: Anonymous Security (using the IUSR account) & Integrated Windows Authentication
Front Page Server Extensions installed

Win XP Pro
VS.Net 2003

I am creating projects in VS.Net on the server from the client. There is no problem doing this.
I can do a Debug-> Start without debugging and everything works fine but when I try to debug the Web App I get the following error message:

Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server. Access is denied. Verify that you are an administrator or a member of the debugger users group on the machine that you are trying to debug. After being added to the debugger users group you must log off and log back on for the settings to apply.

I am a member of the administrators Group and Debugger Users group on the server!

The 2 machines are on the same domain.

I can debug local projects on the server from the server.
I can debug local projects on the client from the client.

Any ideas?

Lately I've had to set up some more machines at work to do this, and I have to admit the whole process is a bit of a mystery, each machine seems to be different, and there is much headscratching involved, but the lists that you get when you click the help button when you receive these emails are helpful. But a couple of things that might help.

1. Check that you aren't running any sort of firewall software on the client. Debugging doesn't work through firewalls, which is understandable when you think about the knid of magic that is being performed.
2. This one is kind of obivious, but you'd still be surprised... but give your server a reboot, after assigning new permissions and such, sometimes it helps.

Good luck!