.NET instalation on XP


Junior Contributor
Nov 30, 2002
Rio de Janeiro
Hi. I don´t know if this is the right place to post it.

In the forth installation CD of visual studio .net on my XP I get an error message saying there was a problem in a assembly component and the instalation is aborted . Did anyone here have the same problem?

I had a similar problem (can't remember exactly what the error message was but it wasn't helpful) when trying to install .net from a writable cd drive under XP, with XP's cd writing enabled.

If this is the case with you, try either turning off the cd writing and rebooting first, or copying the contents of all the cds to your hard drive, in the same directory, and running the setup from there.
I also had read errors thrown during setup. As divil said, copying the files to your hard drive will save you both errors and installation time believe it or not.
Create a folder on your drive called 'netsetup' or something, and
copy the files from all four of the CDs into that one directory (don't
make separate folders; it will screw up part way through). Run the
setup from that directory and let it run. Not sure about the component
update; I did the component update, cancelled the setup after that,
and resumed from the files I copied to my HD.

I am thinking of creating a partition of my HD just for setup files
(operating systems, programming languages, etc) so I won't have to
use my slow CD-ROM as much. :-\ It takes nearly 1:20 to do a full
install of .NET from the CD. Although it takes about 50 minutes to
copy all of the files from my CD-ROM, the setup itself only takes about
15 minutes from the HD.
Personally I use DriveImage to create a machine image after an install of XP Pro, VS6, VS.NET, etc.

I keep this image on my second drive (takes up about 5GB) and whenever I need it, I just do a restore. Takes about 10 - 15 mins.