.net framework


Jul 20, 2004
do u know a link that explain how to develop a .net application making a check before load if the .net is present, and manage the problem with custom messages...?
A .net program will need the framework to run, so you cannot use .net to check if the framework is already on the target machine. I've read (forget where now) that people have had good luck with JavaScript to check if there are any .net dlls on the machine or not.
yes... but... maybe microsoft is providing some additional program ...
eg a launcher to be executed before the execution of the main App, to perform this check...
I believe there is some kind of a "checker" that checks .Net status before running your program already built in automatically. If the user does not have the .Net Framework installed a message box pops up and tells them what the problem is and where they can download the .Net Framework for installation.

At least, that's the way it worked a few years ago with .Net 1.1. I haven't had that problem in a very long time.