.net framework on win98


Junior Contributor
Feb 28, 2003
ok so as i understand it you can use the .net framework on win98 as long as the user installs it.
What sort of functionality is lost using win98?
I'd like to make some programs that communicate on my network but one of the systems is win98.
i dont think so. i havnt looked into it, but one of my mates had to upgrade from windows ME to XP to allow him to install visual studio.net. it gave him some error about there being no dot net framework compatiable OS. and WIndows ME is just a jazzed up version of Win98. you will need windows 2000 or XP i think , but im not positive
sorry, you are correct , you can load the dot net framework onto win 98. its the visual studio .net that wont load onto to win 98 or ME. you can write .net apps, but it has to be typed in through notepad or something similar. thats why my mate upgraded to XP. id advise you to do the same. i went from 98 to XP and i never looked back. i was dodgy at first , but XP is a fantastic OS
so if as long as they have the framework my program will work?
it ssems to good to be true... someone burst my bubble quick
Thats right. Windows 98+ with the framework should work...

Obviously you should do some application testing to double-check everything works :)
The .NET framework runs just fine under Windows 98 and Windows ME. Of course classes that wrap subsystems only found in Windows NT (Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP) will not be available under Windows 98 or Windows ME. Consult the .NET SDK for each class' compatibility.