.NET CF 2.0 WebBrowser Control doesn't support contextmenus? (It says it does)


Nov 25, 2005
I'm writing an application for the PocketPC that will parse it's own markup language into HTML for viewing (I really don't want to write my own renderer.) Anyway, in the MSDN help it says that the WebBrowser control supports ContextMenus. However, I see no ContextMenu property in the properties window. All the other common CF controls have the property, though.

Anyone know what's going on, and if there's a workaround?
I hate to double post, but I need some urgent help.

Is it safe to assume that noone knows the answer? If not, does anyone know how to get rid of the WebBrowser context menu altogether?
I don't have a clue, myself, really. (Sorry.)

Just thinking out loud, is there a BeforeRightClick() event or the like you can hook?
Unfortunately, no :(

Because the PocketPC is meant to be used with a touchscreen and a stylus, it's equivalent to a right click is the "tap and hold", where you hold the stylus down for about 5 seconds and a menu comes up.

Anyway, it doesn't have any stylus events. :(
Appearently this is a known issue (its somewhere in here). I think you might just have to suck it up.

By the way, even though the OS is meant to be used with a stylus, from a program's point of view a touch screen still works the same way as a mouse. If the control supports mouse events, they should also work with the stylus.