.Net 2003 or Framework 1.1?


Mar 8, 2004
This might sound like a stupid question but I'm the only developer here and need some guidance in this issue..

I get ViewState Error error from time to time and ...

I found this KB article:

and it mentions:"Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next .NET Framework service pack that contains this fix"

So, I'm not sure what I need here.. I currently have Microsoft Development Environment 2002, with .Net Framework 1.0

Do I need to get .Net 2003 or do I just need to get .Net Framework 1.1 To fix this viewstate issue?

(company is stingy, if i need .net 2003, they probably wont buy :o )... So i need to know if the issue will be resolved with FrameWork 1.1 without buying the .net 2003..

Thanks in advance
I sometimes get this error and I'm using .NET Framework 1.1 and vs.net 2003. But I only get this error sometimes only when I'm still developing the page, since I compile and recompile many times...
hmm, I get it when I have 2 or 3 pages are open and then I do a refresh or just want to go to another page..
