Need some urgent help with error message please


Apr 2, 2004

I use visual basic .net and develop windows application. Everything went well with deploying my app. until I added two office web components: office chart and office spreadsheet into one of the forms.
Now, I have no problems to run the app. on my development laptop, but when I try to install it on a different PC that doesn't have development environment installed, I get an error message: "Class not registered".
I've installed the office web components runtime files (owc10.exe from microsoft web site) and included all the files I thougnt that might be related, but still get the same error message.
What else should I include in the setup project or install on that PC?

Many thanks!
Tom Rahav.
HJB417 said:
no way you can tell what class it was trying to use?

That's part of the problem... no other information appear other than this error message (attached print-screen). No error code no class name :-( but I'm sure it's related to the web components, because without it it worked fine.
BTW, the title of the error message is what I wrote in the Try...Catch block.
Any idea?


can you post the code for InitializeComponent?
you should run this in debug mode so it can display the line #.
Also, instead of doing Exception.Message or Exception.StackTrace, just use Exception.ToString(), this will display everything one needs to obtain from the exception.