Need some urgent help please !


Apr 2, 2004

I developed application on windows xp pro using VS .NET 2003. In this application I use Excel for generating graphs and MS Access as database (both from office 2003). After I finished the development, I added an installation project and I created a setup file.
When I run this setup on my development PC it runs perfect, but when I tried installing it on a different PC (win xp pro, but office XP), I get errors such: "Class not registered" when trying to load form and some other issues.
I installed the 1.1 Frameworks on that PC and it didn't solve the problem.
Can anyone help me and tell me what should I install q add to the installation in oreder to run the application on a PC that doesn't have .NET environment and Office 2003 installed??

Tom Rahav.
You will need to either install the framework manually or use the bootstrapper to include the framework as part of the deployment package.
You will however need to install Office on the destination PCs and cannot distribute the Office files as part of your installation.

Well, I have installed the the Framework 1.1 (with SP1) on the 'problematic' PC and it didn't work as well. What do you mean 'manually' ?
Regarding the office, the 'problematic' PC does has Office, but XP and not 2003 version as I used for development.
Any idea?

PlausiblyDamp said:
You will need to either install the framework manually or use the bootstrapper to include the framework as part of the deployment package.
You will however need to install Office on the destination PCs and cannot distribute the Office files as part of your installation.
My bad, didn't read the bit about you installing the framework, only picked up on the last bit.
Can anyone help me and tell me what should I install q add to the installation in oreder to run the application on a PC that doesn't have .NET environment and Office 2003 installed??
There are know problems when using differerent versions of Office on Development machines and deployed PCs. If you are developing in VB.Net it is possible to rely on late binding to excel rather that setting a reference to the Excel object library - however this means you will have to declare all instances of objects provided by excel as Object; this will result in slower performance and complete lack of compile time checking.

If possible you will probably be better off installing Office 2003 on the destination PCs as well.