Need some Data-Binding Direction...


Feb 19, 2005
I am familiar with basic, brain-dead databinding, but I feel I need
something a little more complex for my current application. I would like a
few pointers or advice.

I have a main form with a DataGrid bound to a DataView object. I have a
custom control (DetailPanel), with a bunch of labels on it, that will
display all the details related to the row selected in the DataGrid.

How do I go about making sure the Labels on the DetailPanel display
information related to the row currently selected in the DataGrid?

I know how to create Binding objects on the DetailPanel that *should*
display the appropriate column of data in the appropriate Label (an
assumption at this point):

Visual Basic:
  Dim bindText As New Binding("Text", Me.DataSource, "myTable.myColumn")

Now, what do I need to link the Main Form and the custom control? Do I need
a CurrencyManager? Two CurrencyManagers? Something else entirely?

Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.